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Alefba is a smart, playful digital application that helps kids learn, read and write Persian alphabet through visual and musical methods by way of an animated, original alphabet song and step-by-step tracing guide.

Through Alefba, the users will LEARN to:

    • Read and write the Persian alphabet
    • Memorize letters with the help of an original, animated alphabet song
    • Understand different forms of Persian letters
    • Become familiar with a series of simple Persian words, and
  • Adapt fine motor skills

Features & Activities:

  • Alphabet Song: Alefba offers an animated alphabet song to help memorize the letters.
  • Tracing Letters: Alefba employs a cartoon character (little whale) that guides the child to trace the letters step by step.
      • First, encourages the user to choose the first letter not traced fully in Persian alphabet, on its main page.
  • And second, when a letter is fully traced, an encouraging, animated voice-over leads the child to the next letter.
  • Words: When a letter is fully traced, Alefba provides an useful word as an example by way of a hand-painted, playful picture.
  • Monitoring Progress: Alefba also keeps track of the user progress by showing a checkmark next to each letter, when fully traced and learnt, on its main page.

Design- Formerly known as P-Alphabet, Alfba is designed to teach the Persian alphabet through animations and melodies while tracing, reading, and writing each letter. Alefba leverages music and visual animation to cognitively boost the learning process. We also employ encouragement to boost confidence and inspire the user to continue the learning process.

Vision- Employing a vibrant yet simple interface, Alefba offers a fun learning experience through its smart design features. These features boost learning and minimize distractions. Moreover, our watercolour-like visuals instill softness, peace and calm.